Guadalupe Mountain Peak

 The actual reason I started this new blog was because I decided to expand my thoughts on my recent trip to Guadalupe Mountains National Park. So hello if you came over from my IG or FB :)


2020 has been marked by many hard things, but more than that, it has been monumental in pushing myself outside of comfort zones. I've never been an athletic person (those genes went to my siblings) but even in my lack of athleticism, if I hadn't pushed myself to start working out in March of this year I would not have been in shape enough to feel I could conquer climbing a mountain. That's for other cooler fitness, adventurous, outdoorsy, hardcore people. Not me. And yet, there's something incredibly motivating when you see success in yourself in areas you never thought you could do. I'm a regular woman. If I can work out and get in better shape, you can to (bonus inspo you didn't ask for).

I don't like starting new things, never have. But staying comfortable and avoiding hard things may be convenient, but it isn't rewarding, it isn't exciting, and it isn't growth.

So when 2020 went to crap so early on and I found myself single parenting in the midst of the weirdest pandemic mania and so much uncertainty, all I wanted to do was hide away. But my man was at Basic training doing hard things and would I just cower? Or would I find ways to make the extremely isolating and frustrating pandemic life be fruitful? Cue working out from home. It was a huge mental strain to be alone parenting for so long. Wanting to do the right things and respect the unknowns, even when my inner libertarian chafed at so much. Because how arrogant would I be? My thoughts on the "pandemic" have shifted for sure, but early on, I was not going to be a total asshole and ignore precautions. Moving forward, when Sam and I finally reunited (as in living together lols) and were heading back to Texas I told him I wanted two things for my birthday: to get my LTC and to go on a mom vacation. The LTC is a work in progress but check the mom vacation is done.


When I first began thinking about what I wanted to do, I realized I didn't want to lounge around (even though doing nothing is the stuff of mom day dreams, amirite?). I decided I wanted a challenge. When I came across Guadalupe Mountain Peak and its boast of being the highest point in Texas, it called to my big ole Texan heart and soul and I knew I had to do it. What could be more Texan than to climb the highest peak in Texas?

I ran into obstacles planning, mostly because I googled Guadalupe, Texas and am an idiot, ha! That's within driving range of Conroe. El Paso, Texas, where the Guadalupe Mountains are, is definitely not. I was pretty bummed because my heart was set on it. But if the 2020 Pandemic has been good for one thing, it's for cheap flights. Having a man who loves you, wants to see you happy, encourages you to go for it rather than hide away and lament, is definitely a boon. *heart eyes*



So my sister came with me, which was a mental leap I needed to go for it. The thought of climbing a mountain and hiking alone was too daunting. I've only hiked short trails locally. I've definitely never ever climbed a mountain!


The elevation change was really hard. There was so much cardio going up. The great thing was going at our own pace, encouraging each other, and having fun.

Side note: I tend to be introverted, I like my alone time. But I think in terms of introversion versus extroversion, is that I love people, but they don't energize me. But connecting one on one in conversation does energize me. But being alone most energizes me. Basically what I mean to say is, people make experiences so much better. But give me 1-3 and I'm golden.

The people we met while hiking added another dimension of enjoyable memories. My favorites were the Uncle and Nephew duo who we periodically passed each other up and chatted on resting points. He was hilarious, and a Texan, so pretty cool right? Um no, this dude brought it to the next level bringing his flags for the peak: Texas Flag, Come and Take it Flag, and Don't Tread on Me Flag. He clearly saw my excitement and offered to let me borrow his flags for a photo op. Shout out to the dreads girl who told me she loved my hair and thought the red was natural. Many thanks to the guy who let me borrow his iphone cord when my battery was at 1% because my cord decided to die on the way up. I loved every encouraging word from the hikers going down who gave us motivational words of encouragement of how close we were. People can be pretty amazing sometimes. (They can also be the worst, but on this day, the best). Also meeting the Army guys stationed at Fort Bliss and one being a big ass Texan like myself #winning.

I kept quoting that line from Pride and Prejudice before they were to go see the Peaks in Derbyshire, "The glories of nature, what are men compared to rocks and mountains?" and Deb, being the good sport she was, let me have my moments of nerdy pleasure quoting LOTR and P&P when needed.


The hike was 8.5 mile round-trip that climbs 3,000 feet. We started just under 6,000 ft elevation and the peak was 8,751 elevation. I'm not sure how accurate my fitbit was in counting steps, but we walked over 30,000 steps, it took us 3 1/2 hours going up, chilled for under an hour, headed back down and took about 2 hours. I am still high key obsessed with my fit bit (Thank you Lizet!!!) and it told me I had 158 zone minutes, burning fat for 142 mins and getting 16 cardio zone mines, woot! 


I was absolutely blown away by the sheer magnificence of the beautiful views we encountered. I'm a Houstonian and it's so flat here. I loved climbing higher and the views getting better. Reaching the peak was a feeling of elation to have accomplished it, but also just look at how far we had come. But more than that, I was in awe of God's handiwork. To see it on a bigger scale in person was indescribable. I can't believe in a cosmic accident when I view the wonder before my eyes. I believe in intelligent design and my God who is merciful and loving. 


That hiked changed me. I want more. I'm sad it's so flat in my area of Texas. It's stirred something in me I didn't know was there. I'll keep bringing the boys to the local National Forest for short hikes. But in my head I'm already planning day trips to hit up the trails around Austin (drop some recommendations if you have any, in the comments). 


My musings over the Mountain climb is along these lines. It's not about what anyone else can do, but where am I at in my life's pursuit? I have struggles: physical, spiritual, and emotional. It's easy for me to get overwhelmed in a spot and feel like it will always be this way. But it won't. Just like my actual mountain climb it's one step at a time. Life is not all Peaks. There's the viewing the mountain, the climb, both full of difficulties and anticipation, wanting to give up yet wanting to press on. There's the encouragers along the way. Then you reach the Peak in all it's glory. Beauty, wonder, elation, relief. But you don't stay there. Then begins the descent. It's much easier downhill (yo, I understand that saying for real now). But even with it being easier, there's the fatigue and moments of weakness going down too. Then of course, the fondness of looking back. But no matter how amazing of a peak it was, you don't stay. You move on. Life will always be moving. Relationships aren't static. They're up and down. Faith isn't static, it's up and down, no matter how much you love Christ, faith isn't all peaks. Jobs, finances, security. You really can't trust that all will always be as it was. And that's ok. 


I'm learning it's ok. We only have one life to live. I don't want to so fixated on what the ideal is, that I forget to live in the now. Yes, I want to love Christ and live for Him. Yes, I want to experience His world full of things to do, to see, people to connect with, memories to make, and make my tiny little mark on the world trying to make it better. I may be fleshing out vicissitudes, but the only thing I can depend on is this: I need Christ's mercy each and every day.


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